Presentation: VOLCOM

Manufacturers' presentations


Volcom is an iconic player in the world of extreme sports clothing, known especially for its snowboarding clothing. Founded in 1991, Volcom has been at the forefront of combining sports, art and music, creating clothing that not only protects against the elements but also reflects a youthful and rebellious culture.

When it comes to snowboarding clothing, Volcom has always focused on technical performance and style. Their jackets, pants and other garments are designed to withstand the harshest weather conditions while offering comfort and mobility. Whether it's a day of deep snow in the mountains or a sunny moment in the park, Volcom's clothing is up to the challenge.

One notable feature of Volcom is their commitment to sustainability. Many of their clothes are made from recycled materials, and they constantly strive to reduce their environmental footprint in their manufacturing processes. Volcom is also committed to community projects and supports young snowboarders and artists around the world.

In its design, Volcom has always remained true to its roots. Their clothes reflect a rebellious spirit and a love of freedom - whether it's graphic patterns, unusual cuts or unique details. This, combined with technical excellence, makes Volcom the choice of many professional snowboarders and hobbyists.

In summary, Volcom isn't just a clothing brand – it's a business. Its three founders, Richard Woolcott, Tucker Hall and Tom McElroy, built the company around the idea of ​​'True To This', reflecting a passion for snowboarding, surfing and skateboarding. This passion can be seen in every piece of clothing that bears the Volcom logo.

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