Split snowboard boots


Split snowboard boots

Split snowboard boots are specially designed to support the special needs of split snowboarding, which combines snowboarding and touring skiing. These shoes are built to provide more flexibility and mobility in the upper, while the soles are often stiffer and have better grip for climbs.

Unlike regular snowboard boots, which mostly focus on support and comfort when skiing, split boots offer a combination of both skiing and hiking features. This allows for more efficient ascents on the slopes while maintaining performance on the slopes.

Standard snowboard boots are primarily designed to optimize the skiing experience, providing stable support, warmth and comfort. Their construction usually doesn't take into account the same mobility and grip that split snowboarders need.

Ultimately, the choice between split snowboard boots and normal snowboard boots depends on the skier's needs. If you are interested in touring skiing and want to take advantage of the possibilities of a split board, split snowboard boots are a necessary investment.

Shreddington Snow snowboard brands

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