Everything for surfing

Useful information from beginner to professional. Guides, tips, instructions, perspectives and experiences


Surffauksen Perusteet Aloittelijoille

Surfing Basics for Beginners

Surfing is one of the most exciting and challenging sports in the world. It combines the forces of nature, physical fitness and technical skill, while offering adrenaline-filled moments and calmin...

Matkustaminen Surffilaudan Kanssa – Parhaat Kohteet ja Käytännön Vinkit

Traveling With a Surfboard - Best Destinations and Practical Tips

Surfing is a global passion, and for many adventurous surfers, part of the fun is finding the perfect waves in faraway places. In this blog article, we share information on how to travel ...

Suomen Parhaat Surffauspaikat – Missä, Milloin ja Miten Pääset Nauttimaan Aalloista

The Best Surfing Spots in Finland - Where, When and How to Enjoy the Waves

Surfing in Finland? Indeed! Although Finland may not seem like a surfing mecca at first glance, it actually offers several great places to enjoy the waves. In this blog article, we present the bes...