Perspective: Capita's popular men's DOA and women's BOF snowboards

Näkökulma: Capitan suositut miesten D.O.A. ja naisten B.O.F. lumilaudat

When talking about snowboarding, one name always comes to mind: Capita. This snowboarding giant has produced several game-changing models, but two models have stood out: the men's DOA and the women's Birds of a Feather. We dive into the world of these two iconic models and reveal why they are popular with snowboarders.

DOA (Defenders of Awesome): The flagship of men's snowboarding

DOA isn't just about snowboarding; it is a manifesto. This all-mountain masterpiece has won multiple awards and its reputation is built on its versatility. Whether you're in the park, off-piste or on the slopes, DOA meets the challenge.

DOA's camber profile combined with the flat-kick design offers both stability and responsiveness. Carbon Fiber Beams add pop and responsiveness, and the Superdrive™ sole ensures maximum durability and speed.

Birds of a Feather: The crown jewel of women's snowboarding

Birds of a Feather is designed for women who want to rule the mountain. It takes its inspiration from DOA but has been modified to meet the special needs of women. Birds of a Feather is an all-mountain snowboard suitable for all conditions.

Like DOA, Birds of a Feather uses a hybrid camber profile. Its responsiveness and stability make it the perfect choice for women who want to combine performance and style. Like its male counterpart, it's built to last and perform at the highest level.

Finally, Capita has once again shown why it is one of the leading names in snowboarding. DOA and Birds of a Feather are proof of the manufacturer's dedication to innovation and quality. For those who want the best on their snowboards, these models are a clear choice.

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