Viewpoint: ThirtyTwo's Heated Indoor Shoes

Snowboard boots are one of the most important pieces of equipment for a snowboarder. The right kind of shoes can make a day of skiing even more enjoyable. ThirtyTwo, a well-known manufacturer of snowboard boots, has taken a step forward by introducing heated inner boots that provide excellent comfort and support for the feet. But how do these inner shoes work and how can you shape them to fit your feet? In this blog, we delve into the matter.

How do ThirtyTwo's heated indoor shoes work?

ThirtyTwo's heated inner shoes use advanced technology to heat the inside of the shoes, improving foot comfort and performance on the slopes. The heating takes place with a small, battery-powered heater, which is placed in the inner part of the shoe. The heating can be regulated with different power settings, so you can adapt the temperature to your own needs. This ensures that your feet stay warm even in the coldest weather.

Design according to the foot

ThirtyTwo's heated insoles can be molded to your foot, which guarantees an excellent fit and support. Here are a few steps to get your indoor shoes customized:

  1. Heating : Set the heater to the desired power and let the shoe warm up. This softens the material of the inner shoe, making it more malleable.
  2. Put on the Shoes : Put on the shoes after warming up and tighten them as normal. Leave your feet in the shoes until they cool down. This ensures that the shoes will mold to your foot.
  3. Walking and Use : Walk with shoes and use them if possible before going to the slopes. This helps the inner shoe to mold even more to your foot.

ThirtyTwo's heated and moldable liners are a major step forward in snowboard boot technology. They guarantee that you can enjoy snowboarding more comfortably and efficiently than ever before. Do yourself a favor and try these shoes to experience the difference for yourself – your warmer and more comfortable feet will thank you!

Remember: If you have any questions about ThirtyTwo shoes or want more information about their design, you can always turn to the experts at Shreddington Snow snowboarding specialist shop.

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