Everything for snowboarding

Useful information from beginner to professional. Guides, tips, instructions, perspectives and experiences

Snowboarding blog

Urheiluliike Helsingissä – Kaikki Tarvitsemasi Vapaa-ajan Varusteet Yhdestä Paikasta

Sports store in Helsinki - All the leisure equipment you need in one place

Are you a passionate outdoorsman who enjoys snowboarding in the winter, skating in the summer and surfing whenever you get the chance? Shreddington Snow is a sports store in the heart of Helsinki ...

Lumilautailu välineet joululahjaksi

Snowboarding equipment as a Christmas present

Christmas is just around the corner and what better way to show love and appreciation than by giving a gift that brings joy, excitement and adventure to the lives of your loved ones? Welcome to Sh...

Näkökulma: Käytetty lumilauta

Viewpoint: Used snowboard

Snowboarding is a sport that has seen significant technological and design advances in recent decades. In the last five years, the changes have been particularly significant, and understanding the...

Lumilautabägit - Matkusta helposti lumilautalaukkujen kanssa

Snowboard bags - Travel easily with snowboard bags

For a snowboarder, one of the most important purchases is a high-quality snowboard bag that protects and transports valuable skiing equipment. When thinking about purchasing snowboarding equipment...

Bataleon Sleeve – suojaa lumilautasi kolhuilta

Bataleon Sleeve - protects your snowboard from bumps

Have you ever traveled with your snowboard and wondered how to protect it from scratches, dents or other damage? Or have you ever been in a situation where you had to transport a board a long dist...

Moonboots: Paluu Trendikkyyteen

Moonboots: Back to Trendiness

Do you still remember the iconic Moonboots from the 80s? That then-hit product has made a comeback in the fashion world, and it's a bigger phenomenon than ever before! Color splendor Calls The c...

Miten valita: Camber vai Rocker lumilauta?

How to choose: Camber or Rocker snowboard?

The world of snowboarding is full of different boards designed for different styles and conditions. Two common types of boards that often raise questions are camber and rocker boards. Read on to f...

Miten valita: Minkälainen lumilauta aloittelevalle aikuiselle

How to choose: What kind of snowboard for a beginner adult

Starting snowboarding as an adult is a great decision and can bring a lot of joy and challenges to your winter life. When you are a beginner in snowboarding, choosing the right snowboard model is i...

Lumilaudan käyttöikä - Kuinka vanhalla lumilaudalla kannattaa laskea?

Snowboard lifespan - How old is a snowboard worth skiing with?

The lifespan of a snowboard can vary depending on several factors, such as the quality of the board, its use, maintenance, and how often it is used. In general, the average lifespan of a snowboard...

Miten selvittää käytetyn lumilaudan ikä?

How to find out the age of a used snowboard?

Determining the exact age of a snowboard can be challenging because most board manufacturers do not mark the board with the year of manufacture. However, you can try to estimate the age of the snow...

Miten valita: Park vai All mountain lumilauta?

How to choose: Park or All mountain snowboard?

All mountain and park snowboards: Two different boards, two different experiences Snowboarding is a winter activity loved by people who are enthusiastic about snow games. Boarding offers a vers...

Miten valita: Oikeanlaiset välineet aloitteleville lapsille?

How to choose: The right kind of equipment for beginner children?

Choosing a snowboard for a child depends on many factors, such as the child's age, experience and size. Here are some general recommendations for choosing snowboards for children of different ages:...

Näkökulma: Bataleonin The Directional Twin

Point of View: Bataleon's The Directional Twin

Snowboarding, like many other sports, is constantly changing and evolving. Technologies, materials, and design practices are constantly evolving, and these innovations have made snowboarding more ...

Näkökulma: Capitan suositut miesten D.O.A. ja naisten B.O.F. lumilaudat

Perspective: Capita's popular men's DOA and women's BOF snowboards

When talking about snowboarding, one name always comes to mind: Capita. This snowboarding giant has produced several game-changing models, but two models have stood out: the men's DOA and the wome...

Näkökulma: Unionin suositut lumilautasiteet miehille ja naisille

Viewpoint: Union's popular snowboard bindings for men and women

Union is a well-known brand in the world of snowboarding, which specializes in the production of high-quality snowboard bindings. Their innovation and top quality has produced several popular ties...

Viewpoint: ThirtyTwo's Heated Indoor Shoes

Snowboard boots are one of the most important pieces of equipment for a snowboarder. The right kind of shoes can make a day of skiing even more enjoyable. ThirtyTwo, a well-known manufacturer of s...

Lumilaudan oikea pituus laskijalle?

The right length of the snowboard for the calculator?

The length of the snowboard is one of the most important factors that affect the skier's performance and comfort on the slopes. By choosing the right length of your board, you can optimize your ex...

Miten valita: Erilaiset lumilautasiteet ja niiden käyttötarkoitukset

How to choose: Different snowboard bindings and their uses

Snowboarding is a sport that offers skiers countless opportunities to customize their equipment to suit their own needs and preferences. One of the most important pieces of equipment in snowboardi...

Lumilaudan siteiden asennot lumilaudassa ja eri asentojen nimikkeet

The positions of the snowboard bindings on the snowboard and the names of the different positions

The world of snowboarding is full of fine adjustments and opportunities to customize equipment to suit your skiing style and preferences. One of the most important aspects that affect the snowboar...

Miten valita: Lumilautakengät ja niiden erot

How to choose: Snowboard shoes and their differences

Snowboarding is a sport that requires carefully selected equipment, and one of the most important pieces of equipment is snowboard boots. Choosing the right shoes can directly affect the skiing ex...

Miten valita: Oikeat välineet laskevalle lapselle?

How to choose: The right equipment for a child who counts?

A snowboard for a child who already knows how to snowboard has slightly different selection criteria from a board intended for younger and more inexperienced children. Below are recommendations for...

Vastuullisuus: Kuinka suuret lumilautamerkit sitoutuvat kestävyyteen?

Sustainability: How committed are the big snowboard brands to sustainability?

Snowboarding and winter sports are closely linked to nature. That is why it is especially important that the leading brands in the sport adopt responsible practices. In this blog post, we look at ...

Näkökulma: Ainutlaatuinen Capitan The Mothership

Point of View: Unique Capitan The Mothership

Snowboarding's deep-rooted connection to nature has driven brands to think about how they can do their part to protect our planet. Many brands have taken significant steps in being environmentally...

Lumilautailu- ja Laskettelulasit: Opas Parhaisiin Valintoihin

Snowboarding and Skiing Goggles: A Guide to the Best Choices

Snowboarding and skiing goggles are essential equipment on the slopes. They protect your eyes from snow, wind and the sun's harmful UV rays. In this blog, we go through how to choose the best glas...